N2 Calculation Spreadsheets: Spreadsheet for the Calculation of Cableway and Conduit





Spreadsheet for the Calculation of Cableway and Conduit





The conduit calculation spreadsheet comprises :


>Conduit sizing calculation for accommodation and percentage of free area IN CONDUITS of cables with equal diameters (note that the area of ​​accommodation for two cables passed is greater than for three cables, the pair when squirming( braid formation) occupies space of four!! The spreadsheet automatically informs and draws attention!!) NBR-5410

>Conduit sizing calculation for accommodating cables of different diameters and percentage of free area IN CONDUITS!!

>Dimensioning calculation for accommodation of cables in cable trays with accommodation tx limit and percentage of free area IN CABLE TRACKS according to the standard to be selected!!

>Table AWG

>List of applicable standards!! ( always check if they are still in force or revision!!)

OBS: Conduits have an inner diameter , but industrial junction boxes have a smaller diameter!!



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conduit, cable tray, electrocut sheet, conduit spreadsheet



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N2 Calculation Spreadsheets: Spreadsheet for the Calculation of Cableway and Conduit
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