Handouts of Machine Elements I of the Telecurso 2000

Hey guys! Follow links with available Telecurso handouts 2000: VOLUME I Introduction-to-Fastening-Elements Rivets-2 Rivets-1 Rivets-3 Pins-And-Couples Screws-1 Screws-2 Screws-3 Thread-Calculation Nuts Washers Bungee-Rivets Wrenches Introduction-to-Frame-Elements -Support Bushings Guides Bearings-E-Bearings Bearings-I Bearings-II Introduction-To-Elastic-Elements Springs-I Springs-II Source: http://fabioferrazdr.files.wordpress.com Designing Machinery and Equipment? Needing to speed up your calculation and development process? Also check the spreadsheets available at the Project Factory! enter as […]

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