Announced End of VBA for AutoCAD 2010

AutoCAD 2010 VBA

With this new version of AutoCAD 2010, Autodesk announced “the end” of VBA (Visual Basic for Applications) for AutoCAD.

This decision comes from the fact that Microsoft has abandoned / discontinued support for VBA (Information) being the future the VSTA (Information)

In this version VBA is not installed in the program, but it is still possible to download to install.

With this decision by Autodesk not to include VBA, is to “force” programmers to start evolving to .NET (new platform). Perhaps in future versions of AutoCAD it may come installed with VSTA (Visual Studio for Applications) like Revit 2010, which already comes with VSTA replacing VBA.

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Announced End of VBA for AutoCAD 2010
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