International Contest of Virtual Models for Students Launched

Hey guys! For everyone connected to the area of ​​Architectural Projects who visit the Blog! This contest is very interesting!

The International Union of Architects (UIA) invites students from all over the world to the competition A new look at Architectural Heritage in the century 20. Competitors must represent in virtual models any work built between 1901 e 2000. Os interessados devem se inscrever na página do concurso until 26 de março.

A competição foi criada para enriquecer o conteúdo do site, lançado em 2008 em uma parceria entre o Ministério Francês de Cultura e Comunicação, o Centro Nacional Francês de Pesquisa Científica, o Comitê Internacional de Documentação e Conservação de Edifícios, Sítios e Vizinhanças do Movimento Moderno (Docomomo) e a UIA. Os organizadores pretendem, com o site, registrar digitalmente a realização arquitetônica do século passado.

Para o concurso, os estudantes podem escolher como modelos construções conhecidas, desconhecidas, elementos ou estruturas de um complexo arquitetônico ou urbano. The only condition is that the project must have been built in the 20.

The entire competition will be conducted online. Contestants must submit their work in one of two categories: architectural description based on panoramic images or architectural description with image-based models.

The virtual models for the competition will have to be developed with ImageModeler and Stitcher Unlimited software based on digital photographs of the location. The programs will be made available to competitors by the company Autodesk, contest sponsor.

After signing up, Contestants must submit their work between 5 e 26 of April. Winners in each category will receive 3 a thousand euros. Docomomo will also distribute two more prizes of one thousand euros in recognition of other outstanding projects.

Article taken from the website:

International Contest of Virtual Models for Students Launched
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