SOS Rio Campaign: Accountability

Here we express our thanks to everyone who collaborated through the Project Factory, or helped the victims of the disaster in the Serrana region of Rio in other ways. In January, five new N3s were registered at the Projeto Fábrica, two in the N3 FP12 and three FP6.

The Project Factory, as posted, estará repassando R$204,00 para a conta da CNBB & Cáritas:

Southeast SOS Campaign (CNBB and Brazilian Caritas)
Banco: Caixa Econômica Federal
Agency: 1041
Operation: 003
Account: 1490-8

Obrigado a Você que não optou pela indiferença! Deus Abençoe os Homens de Boa Vontade!


SOS Rio Campaign: Accountability
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