The Cube Project: How to live in 27m³

Every day, effective ways and policies of housing for the economically disadvantaged population are discussed.. Sustainable housing projects that are less harmful to the environment are also discussed. We present at Fábrica do Projeto a new housing concept, who practically enjoys 100% from projected space, or CUBE.

"The Cube Project" is an initiative of Dr.. Mike from the University of Hertfordshire, who started to build a compact house, with 3x3x3 meters inside, in which a person could live comfortably and modernly, with minimal impact on the environment.

Built from a variety of sustainable materials, o "Cube" offers everything a person (or two people) may need. within your 27 cubic meters includes a small room, with a table and two chairs, a small double bed (120cm wide), a shower, a kitchen (with minibar, stove, circulators, coif, too / drying rack, microwave oven and storage cabinets), a washing machine and a toilet. Illumination is achieved by ultra-efficient LED lights , being heated by a heat pump, with the heat to be recovered from the extracted air. It has cork covering and there are two meters of ceiling height throughout the environment..

The Cube is designed to generate energy, at least, as much as he uses within an annual average. It does this using photovoltaic solar panels that are an integral part of the building itself.. Require only one mains connection, and a cold water fountain. No need for basic sanitation, which is carried out by composted waste, or processed on site.

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The Cube Project: How to live in 27m³
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