DraftSight: Dassault's 2D AutoCad

Today we present the Dassault DraftSight here at the Project Factory.

It is a very interesting program., released in June 2010, Developed by Dassault Systemes, which has among its main products Catia and SolidWorks.

DraftSight allows users to create, edit and view DWG files. DraftSight usually takes just a few minutes to download and runs on different operating systems, including Windows XP, Windows Vista, Windows 7, Mac (still in beta) e Linux (still in beta). In addition to DraftSight, Dassault Systèmes also launched aopen online community, where users can access training and support content, as well as an environment to interact, ask questions and share opinions. The DraftSight community is one of the first social networks built by engineers for engineers, designers and architects. Based onfeedback generated within the community, improvements and updates were made to the final version of DraftSight for Windows.

the program came, somehow, compete directly with AutoCad 2D, showing two significant differences:

  1. Doesn't have all AutoCad features;
  2. IT IS FREE!

Then you can say: Another little program running around.... Do not fool yourself, it's worth testing!

If you are starting your company or your business and you don't have enough resources to invest in a TOP program (AutoCad, Inventor, Solidwords...), this is your best solution! An interesting program that perfectly meets the most varied development requests for 2D projects, it also has the main AutoCad commands, with the same shortcut, AutoCad-like environment, divided into model and layout (PaperSpace), opens dwg files without problems or loss of information (styles, layers, sheets, blocks...) , generate dwg files, and many other features....

The product is part of the company's strategy to shift the budget that would be allocated to renewing 2D licenses to more modern versions of its 3D software., including competitors' customers.

This is the best free solution we've tested for 2D dwg development.

This week they announced that the program has already been downloaded about 1.000.000 of times.

So here's the tip, it costs nothing to test!

Click here to Download

DraftSight: Dassault's 2D AutoCad
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