Autocad Integration with Kinect Tracking

This week a very interesting article about Autocad caught my attention.. KEAN WALMSLEY, Senior DevTech manager (the worldwide team of API gurus providing technical services through the Autodesk Developer Network), developed an API for Autocad when he realized that the version 1.5 do SDK do Kinetic provided the ability to generate a 3D mesh of face features.

The API integrates the mesh tracked and generated through Kinect with AutoCad. The result was an impressive app, which can open several options using system integration. Any hypotheses:

  • CAD development applications using gesture control;
  • 3D scanning of objects, parts and other physical components;
  • Virtual simulation of mechanisms integrating real and virtual objects.
Check out the video below with the results of the system tracking:
Download the complete C# code here: Kinect Samples V1.5.1
Has a Kinect? Take the test and comment here!
We will await the great possibilities of another step in the most used CAD program in the world!

Check out the full article at blog do Kean!

Autocad Integration with Kinect Tracking
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