In the development of Machinery and Equipment Projects, mechanical calculation is a mandatory requirement. But there are situations where we don't have the parameters or the knowledge necessary to execute them. In other cases, we do not have electronic means to run them automatically, with agility and precision. Aiming to collaborate with all professionals who pass or […]

Calculation Spreadsheets: Machines and equipment
Project FactoryCentrifugal pumps, Conveyor belts, FP Calculation Worksheets, Equipment Design and Selection, silos and tanks, Helical Conveyors, Industrial VentilationConveyor Belt Drive Calculation, Hoist Activation Calculation, Centrifuge Pump Calculation, Positive Pump Calculation Lobes, Positive Pump Calculation for Oil, Calculation of centrifugal pumps power flow pressure, Calculation capacity motorcycle power positive pump lobes, CIP Joint Calculation, Biodigester sizing calculation, Simple Effect Evaporators Calculation, Atm Conveyed Fund Calculation, Atm Conical Fund Calculation, Flat Tank Bottom Calculation, Reinforced Tank Fund Calculation, Suspended Tank Bottom Calculation, Calculation Geometry Power Rotor centrifugal pump, Mill Calculation with Flywheel, Calculation motorization drive agitator beater, Tube Wall Calculation & Top Pressure Vessels, Translation drive overhead crane calculation, Milling Power Calculation, Drilling Power Calculation, Calculation of Collected Power Wind Turbine, Thread Power Calculation, Lathe Power Calculation, Agitators project calculation, Tank Flanges Project Calculation, Calculation Project Speed Reducers, Atmospheric Sanitary Tank Project Calculation Bottom Conveyor, Atmospheric Sanitary Tank Project Calculation Conical Bottom, Calculation design heat exchangers, Heat exchanger design calculation II, Redler calculation, Conveyor Screw Calculation, Calculation Turbine Rotors Power, Tank Support Shoes Calculation, Pneumatic transport calculation, Pressure Vessels Calculation, Calculation of Cooling Tower Selection, Axial Fans Calculation, Centrifugal Fans Calculation, Redler Project Components and Elevators, Agitator Sizing, Decanter Extractor Dimensioning, Pressurized reservoir dimensioning Pump and air length release, Angular Metal Filter, FP, Horizontal Cylinder Volume Graduation, Laminar flow agitator power