Project Requests 09/2011: dumpster designs

PROJECT: I would like to know more about the rubble dumpster projects, if you have a project for the tug that is on the truck, with price details FEATURES: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For inquiries and further […]

Project Requests 09/2011: Dump bucket and trailer design

PROJECT: I am interested in the tipper bucket project, would also like trailers if you have,how much? FEATURES: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : Para dúvidas e maiores detalhes sobre o projeto utilize o campo “Seu Comentário” no fim […]

Project Requests 09/2011: Hydraulic Cement Block Pressing Machine Design

PROJECT: Hello, I want a project to manufacture a hydraulic cement block pressing machine CHARACTERISTICS: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : Para dúvidas e maiores detalhes sobre o projeto utilize o campo “Seu Comentário” no fim […]

Project Requests 08/2011: Projetos de caçambas de entulhos para poliguindaste

PROJECT: Gostaria de adquirir projetos de caçambas de entulhos para poliguindastes, de tamanhos de 3,6 e 9 m3 CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project, use the “Your Comment” field. […]

Project Requests 08/2011: Projeto detalhado de uma viradeira manual para chapas de aço carbono e inox ate 2mm

PROJECT: Solicito se possível, projeto detalhado de uma viradeira manual para chapas de aço carbono e inox ate 2mm de expessura CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : Para dúvidas e maiores detalhes sobre o projeto utilize o […]

Project Requests 08/2011: Projeto de fabrica de compósitos em PRVF

PROJECT: PROJETO DE FABRICA DE COMPÓSITOS EM PRVF(PLÁSTICO REFORÇADO EM FIBRA DE VIDRO) PARA FABRICAR TANQUES, TUBOS E POSTES CARACTERÍSTICAS: Preciso de um projetista que já tenha feito um projeto de uma fábrica de compósitos em PRFV Plástico Reforçadoem Fibra de Vidro para confeccionar TANQUES, TUBOS E POSTES EMPRESA [Only available to N1 subscribers] : […]

Project Requests 08/2011: overhead crane project

PROJECT: We need to develop an overhead crane project. FEATURES: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! Questions or information will not be answered via […]

Project Requests 08/2011: Design of rotary type clay dryers or similar

PROJECT: Estou procurando por algum projeto ou por alguém que tenha experiência em projetar secadores de argila, do tipo rotativo ou outro que possa substitui-lo com melhor eficiencia. FEATURES: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: cocal do sul, SC CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and […]

Project Requests 08/2011: bridge crane projects

PROJECT: Crane Projects CHARACTERISTICS: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! Questions or information will not be answered via email.:

Project Requests 07/2011: Projetos de carretinhas para barco,para moto,e modelo fazendinha

PROJECT: Projetos de carretinhas para barco,para moto,e mod fazendinha CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed by the applicant COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Not informed by the applicant CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! No questions or queries will be answered. […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Projeto de auto socoro e de um poliguindaste

PROJECT: Estou precisando de um projeto de auto socoro e de um poliguindaste caso alguém algum projeto desses CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Não informada CONTATO [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Settling tank cleaning system project divided into 8 independent cells

PROJECT: Sistema de limpeza de tanque de decantação dividido em 8 células independentes CARACTERÍSTICAS: Temos aqui um tanque de decantação dividido em 8 independent cells. Estas células recebem o fluxo de água de arraste/resfriamento com carepa da Laminação (tarugos) e da Aciaria. Quando projetada, não foi pensado numa maneira de limpeza constante e/ou periódica. Depois […]

Project Requests 07/2011: Polycrane and Buckets Project

PROJECT: I want to know more about the double polycrane project. It can be manufactured in a truck repair shop and how much does it cost and if the manual is in Portuguese. Do you have a bucket project for 4 e 5 meters. Grateful. FEATURES: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Não informada […]

Project Requests 06/2011: Ventilation project for a hospital laundry laundry

PROJECT: Desejo um projeto de ventilação para uma lavanderia de roupas hospitalares CARACTERÍSTICAS: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Não informada CONTATO [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! No questions or information will be answered. […]

Project Requests 06/2011: Two Tower Car Elevator Project

PROJECT: Preciso de um projeto de elevador de carro com duas torres. FEATURES: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Não informada CONTATO [Only available to N1 subscribers] : For questions and further details about the project use the "Your Comment" field at the bottom of this page! No questions or information will be answered. […]

Project Requests 05/2011: Levantamento de dados para elaboração de diversos Projetos

PROJECT: Tenho vários projetos em nossos clientes, que necessitam de visitas para levantamento de dados para elaboração, preciso de projetistas autonomos ou free lancers, com disponibilidade para fazer estes levantamentos. FEATURES: Not informed COMPANY [Only available to N1 subscribers] : LOCATION: Jundiaí-SP e nossos clientes estão na região. CONTACT [Only available to N1 subscribers] : […]

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