Air conditioning

FP Projects: Utilities Project for Air Conditioning

Publicized Projects FP Chilled water system for use in fancoils, the system includes the chiller chiller water delivery and return piping (equipment that exchanges heat with water to cool it) even the fancoils.

N2 Calculation Spreadsheets: Thermal load calculation – Refrigeration and Air Conditioning

Worksheet N2: Worksheet calculates ambient thermal load for refrigeration and air conditioning selection applications.
Spreadsheet considers the position of the windows, the characteristics of the construction, the ilumination, the equipment, the activity and ventilation.
Check out the details in the attached image..

Manual HVAC: Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning

What is HVAC? You've probably heard this expression,  but you are still wondering what it means? Well, HVAC (HVAC “or” H-VAK “) is the abbreviation for “Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning”, i.e,  Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning. These are three fundamental functions that are closely related., found in homes, offices and buildings. O […]

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