Month: October 2017

Requested Project - MDF Processor |End Day 20 out 17|

Objetivo GeralCriar um protótipo de uma linha de chapas de madeira compensada, para reintroduzir no mercado, utilizando os conhecimentos adquiridos no curso de maneira efetiva.
Objetivos específicos
Projetar sistemas estruturais completos e o uso de programa de computadores para criar esses sistemas estruturais.

EMMA Project: Automated Application of Wear Coatings

Supported by Aneel's research and development program, Brazil's Sustainable Energy Partnership, with Lead laboratory at UFRJ, and the company Rijeza is …

N2 Calculation Spreadsheets: Helical Thread Plate Planning

Worksheet N2: Spreadsheet calculates sheet flatness for helical thread fabrication.
Input data:
-Larger Diameter
-Minor Diameter
-Crest height

Output Data:

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