Technical drawing

Technical Drawing Book: DESTEC

O departamento de Expressão gráfica da UFRGS desenvolveu um bom material de estudo para desenho técnico, que pode ser visualizado online, o DESTEC (Livro digital sobre desenho técnico instrumentado). O livro apresenta conteúdo sobre sistemas de projeções, tipos e espessuras de linhas, concordâncias e terminais, vistas auxiliares primárias e secundárias, corte e seções, cotagem, escalas, […]

NR’s: Regulatory Standards

Hey guys! Today we make the NR’s available in FP, regulatory norms of the Ministry of Labor, so important for the development process of projects and equipment. Do not forget to consult and good project!   Regulatory Norm No. 34 – PDF file (173kb) Working Conditions and Environment in the Shipbuilding and Repair Industry. Regulatory standard […]

Technical drawing: Complete handout

The technical drawing, as we understand it today, was developed thanks to the French mathematician Gaspar Monge (1746-1818). The graphical representation methods that existed until that time did not make it possible to convey the idea of ​​objects completely, correct and accurate. Monge created a method that allows to represent, with accuracy, the objects that have three […]

Video lessons: Reading and Interpreting Technical Drawing

Hey guys! Follow Telecurso links 2000 – Module: READING AND INTERPRETATION OF TECHNICAL DRAWING. Access door to the universe of mechanical projects! 01. What is technical drawing? 02. Geometric figures 03. Desenhando perspectiva isométrica 04. Perspective …… parallel and oblique 05. isometric perspective ….. several 06. Orthographic projection of flat figure […]

Reading and Interpreting Mechanical Technical Drawing

Hey guys! after a period “Working” to make the tool available “Online calculations”, Today I'm back to posting content for draftsmen and mechanical designers. Everyone knows the rungs and stairs that beginners should “go up” in our profession! It is essential that the designer is a good interpreter of technical drawings, so that the information […]

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