Step-by-Step 3D Modeling: Autodesk Inventor

We present three more tutorials developed by Mauri Jones, with step-by-step for part and assembly development in Autodesk Inventor. We highlight the steps for creating an ipart, key tool for accelerating the design of similar components. Enjoy and learn a little more about this excellent software! Uses Inventor as Project Software? purchase some of […]

Online Calculations: Unit Conversion

Online Calculations: Mug Elevators Calculation – Capacity/Voltage/Power

Online Calculations: Silo Volume and Capacity

Online Calculations: Screw Conveyor Capacity and Speed

First Autocad News 2013

It is always with some enthusiasm that most users await the news of new versions; in the case of AutoCAD it is no different! Of course, they will never satisfy all the needs of all users, but it is true that interesting new developments are being implemented little by little.! I will present some of the new; not the entirety, […]

Petrobras: 5.000 bolsas de estudo e 11 mil vagas em cursos

A ANP (Agência Nacional do Petróleo) autorizou a Petrobras a investir R$ 320,9 milhões na concessão de 5.000 bolsas de estudos no âmbito do programa Ciência sem Fronteiras, do governo federal. Serão 2.754 bolsas para graduação e 1.901 para doutorado na modalidade sanduíchequando o aluno estuda no exterior até 12 meses e complementa o […]

Embraer and Fatec open registration for designer program

The Faculty of Technology (Fatec) from São José dos Campos, in partnership with Embraer, Registration is open until Monday (13) for the selection process, which will select 40 newly trained technicians for the Embraer Designers Program (PPE). As inscrições devem ser feitas pelo site O objetivo é capacitar os profissionais para que […]

Technical Drawing Book: DESTEC

O departamento de Expressão gráfica da UFRGS desenvolveu um bom material de estudo para desenho técnico, que pode ser visualizado online, o DESTEC (Livro digital sobre desenho técnico instrumentado). O livro apresenta conteúdo sobre sistemas de projeções, tipos e espessuras de linhas, concordâncias e terminais, vistas auxiliares primárias e secundárias, corte e seções, cotagem, escalas, […]

Table of Standards and Measures: Flanges and Industrial Connections

During the development of projects related to industrial pipelines, various standards queries are required., measures and products. We present below an interesting dimensional and theoretical table, which facilitates consultation within various standards and pressure classes of industrial flanges and connections. You can also consult the equivalence between materials, dimensions of the holes of the […]

Mechanical Projects [06]: Project Factory

Mechanical Projects added and available for negotiation at the Project Factory. For more details about the Project click on its image! Send your message to the advertiser through the “comments” field at the bottom of the page, informing the initial code of the Image name (ex. 08_PMFP.05).

Mechanical Record: Machine Processes and Elements

We link to this post an interesting material in Spanish presented as a mechanical record, developed by Emilio Calvo. Here you can find several guidelines, tables and technical calculations of mechanical elements and processes. Check it out below and good project!

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