Industrial Ventilation

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Calculation of Turbine Rotors Geometry - Power and H

Turbine Rotors Geometry Calculation Worksheet, calculating geometrical quantities, potency, head and various information for the project

FP N3 Applications: Spreadsheet for Calculating Rotor Axial Fan Geometry - Power and H

Spreadsheet for Geometry Calculation Rotor Axial Fan calculating power, diameters, angles and various geometrical magnitudes…

Industrial Ventilation Practical Manual

With the expansion of charges on environmental issues, the search for solutions in the elimination and control of pollution is growing. The most applied and traditional solutions revolve around filters, washers, cyclones and industrial fans. For you who are looking for support material, Below is SODECA's practical manual on Environmental Ventilation, which includes: […]

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