Calculation Spreadsheets: Centrifugal pump rotors – Geometry Calculation, power and H

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Mechanical Design Workbook: Selection, calculation and dimensioning

In the development of the most varied mechanical projects, many calculations and analyzes are necessary so that the final product meets all the requested requirements.. Knowledge of the selection of machine elements is of fundamental importance in this creative process. The correct selection prevents your equipment from presenting breaks and repetitive maintenance, avoiding unwanted production stops. At Fabrica do Projeto you can find several materials that help the designer in this and many others […]

Calculation of Centrifugal Pumps

Centrifugal pumps are the most used equipment for pumping and transferring liquids in basic sanitation, in crop irrigation, in residential buildings and industries in general. Here you will find information for selection and sizing of centrifugal pumps, its applications and constructive characteristics, as well as tabulated flow and head hydraulic data. Tip: Realize […]

Calculation Spreadsheets: Machines and equipment

In the development of Machinery and Equipment Projects, mechanical calculation is a mandatory requirement. But there are situations where we don't have the parameters or the knowledge necessary to execute them. In other cases, we do not have electronic means to run them automatically, with agility and precision. Aiming to collaborate with all professionals who pass or […]

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